
When subscribed to parking providers it is possible to start and stop parking activities using an app available for Windows, Android and iPhone.

The exact location is determined by GPS when starting the app. By simply pushing “start” a subscriber can park.

Next to an app for subscribers UK Parking Design has also developed an app for the operator of a parking facility. Using the operator app it is possible to scan/recode parking tickets, opening and closing barriers and to watch live stream video from the camera’s in the parking facility.

UK Parking Design did develop a dedicated App for easy and convenient management on-site. Parking attendants and reception desk employees of hotels and companies can scan barcode tickets with the App on a smartphone. When the smartphone is on-line tickets can be validated in example for free exit (on account). The barcode ticket is only the transaction identifier, so the actual status of the barcode resides in the server. So no stamps on the ticket, no mobile printout of new tickets, no hassle. In addition the App can be used to open barriers and view live camera footage.